Code for Sustainable Homes in Essex

1 629 (2011)

The Code for Sustainable Homes plays a key role in building a future housing stock which both meets citizens’ needs and protects the environment. It represents the basis for future developments of the Building Regulations in UK in relation to carbon emissions and energy use in homes. The Code is the national standard for the sustainable design and construction of new homes. It is intended to help promote higher standards of sustainable design above current building regulations. A specific case of its application is the development of fourteen homes in Wimbish, near Saffron Walden (Essex), in south-east England: the project is certified by the PassivHaus Standard, as well as the UK Code for Sustainable Homes. It represents a pioneering development of social housing through the application of the PassivHaus scheme. The project represents also good practice example for achieving sustainability and energy efficiency in the peripheral urban areas. The requirements were met using a “fabric first” approach, combined with mechanical ventilation with heat recovery.