
Policy Briefs

The aim of this Pocacito Policy Brief is to give an overview of the rapid urbanisation in China and the country’s planned responses. It shows the strong dynamic in China towards low-carbon urban development. In addition to the low-carbon pilot projects in provinces and cities, China has launched...Read more

Utilising urban policies to facilitate transition towards a post-carbon future requires a drastic change of direction in current policies. Yet the uncertainty associated with change can often stifle action. Creating visions of a post-carbon urban future can help generate a positive image of the...Read more

A number of city-led initiatives have gained momentum in international cooperative action in 2016 ; for example, the Global Covenant of Mayors initiative, the entry into force of the Paris Agreement, and the Habitat III UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban...Read more

In the POCACITO project, cities around Europe have created a ‘post-carbon 2050’ vision in which cities have moved towards greater

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Recently, initiatives involving key performance indicators (KPIs) have been influenced by the smart city agenda and the digital revolution, in terms of content, data collection, analysis and dissemination processes. ICT, big data, open data, real-time information, data analytics, dashboards and...Read more

The transfer of good practices among cities in Europe has been an important driver of local climate action since the forerunner cities became active in climate policy in the early 1990s. Although lesson-drawing has taken place since then, particularly by forerunner cities, there are also...Read more

EU Roadmap

The roadmap of the project POCACITO 2050 is a document directed at national and EU policymakers, and is made of the information and positions acquired in the stakeholder workshops in case study cities and POCACITO’s own research.

The aim is to bring to the attention of...Read more