This report outlines the process, methodology and results of the quantification of 2050 scenarios developed for ten case study cities: Barcelona, Copenhagen, Istanbul, Lisbon, Litoměřice, Malmö, Milan/Turin, Rostock and Zagreb. A series of participatory stakeholder workshops in the case study cities have been central to the project. They have brought together local stakeholders to construct a common post-carbon vision for 2050 (PC 2050) and a set of actions and milestones needed to reach the vision.
Within WP5 two complimentary modelling and impact quantification methods have been performed. The first utilised the information and data already gained during the preceding work packages to focus on the impacts within the city system boundaries (city level assessment). The second utilised the economic based multi-regional input-output (MRIO) approach to enable the consumption footprint of the cities to also be assessed (supply chain and city). This document only reports on the first stage, which is the modelling of the fundamental elements that help to describe the city: population, energy, transport, buildings and housing, GDP/economic development, industry sectors and employment.