This Roadmap, developed under the POCACITO project, is a stakeholder-driven guide towards the Post-Carbon Cities of Tomorrow, merging climate, energy and social transitions in our cities. The Roadmap outlines visions for post-carbon cities, new insights obtained during the course of the POCACITO project, barriers, challenges and key recommendations. It is directed at national and European Union (EU) policymakers, as well as city-level decision makers. It promotes the approach of POCACITO for consulting stakeholders and advocates its widespread use, not only to develop strategies, but to connect citizens with the future and place them clearly on the path to decarbonisation, changing them from takers of policy into shapers of the urban decision-making process. Secondly, it presents the main messages from the city stakeholders in relation to the common needs of cities and the assistance required at national and European levels to meet these needs.