POCACITO Webinar: International best practices of low carbon urban initiatives: Examples, limitations and opportunities of know-how transfer


20 December 2016

Date 20.12.2016, 15:00-16:00 CET

Cities will play an increasing role in future efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions under the Paris agreement  as more and more people globally will live in urban areas. International transfer of know-how on urban solutions, policies and technologies will play a strong role, however, depends on a range of factors including technological, cultural, political and socioeconomic preconditions in the different regions and countries. There is a range of initiatives and platforms aiming for international transfer of best practices of low carbon solutions and policies, such as city to city networks or platforms with good practices such the “marketplace of ideas” created within the EU project POCACITO. http://www.pocacito.eu/

This webinar wants to presents some highlights of international best practices as identified within the POCACITO project as well as discuss limitations and opportunities of transfer of know-how, technologies and policies in particular to emerging and developing cities to emerging and developing cities. This includes for example the question where important gaps in international know-how transfer can be identified, on which level such transfer should mainly take place (eg city-to city level) and what needs to be done on city, national and international level to improve such know-how transfer.

Agenda (Duration 60 min)

  • The POCACITO project: a brief overview: Max Grünig, Ecologic Institute
  • The POCACITO Marketplace of ideas, Claudia Fruhmann, Andreas Tuerk (JR)
  • Know-how transfer to emerging and developing cities, Anthony Bigio, George Washington University
  • Role of the CTCN  for technology transfer to developing countries, Emma-Liisa Hannula
    UN Climate Technology Centre & Network (CTCN) tbc
  • Discussion. How to accelerate international urban know-how transfer?

Moderation: Max Grünig, Ecologic Institute

Registration for participants:
