The integrated waste management facility Kraaifontein was opened in the northern suburbs of Cape Town in 2011. As “first of its kind” in South Africa it constitutes a benchmark for integrated waste management, incorporating various waste treatment facilities at one location. The facility, spanning over 15 ha, has the capacity to process 1,000 tonnes of waste per day. Collected at source, waste is brought to the facility and processed further. Incoming waste is sorted, chipped, recycled, and transported to landfilling, etc. The facility offers also a public drop-off and is equipped with a conference centre. The integration with a conference centre enables public events and visits to be held, and thus increases public awareness of waste management and the need and benefits of waste minimisation. Also processing, sorting and recycling of waste prevents landfilling of tonnes of waste, of which much could possibly be recycled. This not only results in environmental benefits and increased life quality but it is also expected to reduce costs of handling municipal solid waste in Cape Town.
Kraaifontein integrated waste management facility
3 750 000 (2014)
GDP per capita at purchasing power parity (PPP):
14 086.00US$ (2014)