Webinar: Low Carbon Urban Developments in Asia - Experiences and Outlook


3 December 2015

We live in a century of urbanisation. Millions have moved to cities in the last decades, another 2.7 billion will join till 2050 - creating new urban powerhouses, transforming large cities to megacities and changing villages to world known centres. Cities provide higher living standards and the right turf for innovation; their density and compactness could theoretically lead to efficient and environmentally sound living places. Today however, the consumption patterns of city dwellers and poorly designed infrastructures lead to high GHG emissions and resource use – challenges already felt strongest in Asia, where the majority of these changes are happening.

This webinar gives insights into low carbon urban development in Asia and discuss the various challenges and proposed solutions using examples from China and the Philippines. The webinar is scheduled to take place on 3 December 2015 and willl run from 09:00 to 10:00 CET.

With speakers:

Ying Chen, Senior Research Fellow and Deputy Director of Research Centre for
Sustainable Development (RCSD), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) will talk
about "Low Carbon Pilot Cities in China: Taking Guangyuan as an Example"


Kathleen Dematera Contreras, Environment Researcher at Clean Air Asia, will talk
about "Low-emission Initiatives in Philippine Cities"

Moderator: Susanne Langsdorf, Ecologic Institute, Germany, POCACITO Project

Register to participate here.
