UNDP Croatia Leads Panel Discussion at Subversive Festival


15 May 2015


Kino Europa, Zagreb, Croatia

UNDP Croatia is organizing an upcoming panel discussion as part of the Subversive Festival which will discuss the drivers for post carbon transition in local communities and which post carbon initiatives already exist in Zagreb. The event will take place on 15 May 2015 from 5 pm to 7 pm in Zagreb (Kino Europa). Topics will include:

  • Green areas and parks
  • Cycling infrastructure
  • Public squares 
  • Public transportation

The panel, organized by UNDP Croatia under the POCACITO project, is followed by last year's TED-x event in which many speakers presented possible ways to a transition to becoming post-carbon cities. Guests at the Subversive festival will be invited to fill in a  questionnaire about the post-carbon initiatives in Zagreb which will help to create a full list of post-carbon initiatives being developed in Zagreb.

Be sure to check out the Subversive Festival website for more information.