First Post-Carbon Cities Stakeholders Workshop


27 June 2014


Congresplaats 1, 1000 Brussel, Belgium

The aim of this first workshop is to gather for the first time those stakeholders representing organisations that are able to provide their perceptions of the future of cities in a post-carbon society and in that way will contribute to the development of a 2050 roadmap for EU post-carbon cities. A large part of this workshop will be dedicated to discussing questions via a World Café. The World Café is a structured conversational process which aims to provide an open and creative conversation on a topic of mutual interest to surface their collective knowledge, share ideas and insights and gain a deeper understanding of the subject and the issues involved. A cafe ambience is created in order to
facilitate conversation.

This workshop is organised by Energy Cities, CEPS, FEEM and Ecologic Institute in the framework of the POCACITO (Post Carbon Cities Outlook) project.