Supporting public transportation and cycling infrastructure, more jobs and recycling are among the top priorities for citizens of Zagreb. Those are the key results of a 350 participant survey conducted as part of the development of a low-carbon vision for the City of Zagreb by 2050. The results were used as an input for the first POCACITO workshop in Zagreb on November 19th which was organized by UNDP Croatia at HUB Zagreb. The workshop expanded the ongoing process for creating a Roadmap for the Post Carbon City of Zagreb which involves a diverse interdisciplinary team of experts and activists such as urban planners, architects, engineers, energy experts, political scientist, sociologists, social economists, social workers and health workers. Zagreb is currently without an active strategic plan. Therefore, participation from the City Office for the Strategic Planning and Development of the City was very important. The majority of participants already knew each other from the related event entitled Shifting towards low carbon cities, organized in May 2014 during the Zagreb Energy Week.
Workshop participants were asked to unleash their creativity by making drawings and mental maps of how they would like to see Zagreb by 2050, the results of which were organized in a few main areas. After this exercise, group work helped participants to shape their vision narratives. These narratives were seen as the main output of the workshop that is going to be used further in the process of creating a vision for the city for 2050.