Compiled Case Study Assessment Reports

In the context of the POCACITO – “Post-carbon Cities of Tomorrow – Foresight for Sustainable Pathways towards liveable, affordable and prospering cities in a world context“ project, this document intends to present the Compiled Individual Assessment Reports, integrated in Task 3.2 of WP3 – Initial Assessment. In fact, the POCACITO project aims to develop a 2050 roadmap to support the transition of cities to a more sustainable or post-carbon future, through a collaborative research and participatory scenario building.

In order to use an evidence-based approach, 10 European case studies were selected: Barcelona, Copenhagen, Malmö, Istanbul, Lisbon, Litoměřice, Milan-Turin, Rostock and Zagreb. An important step to achieve the project’s goal is to produce an individual assessment of case study cities in order to evaluate the current situation of these cities as an input into the scenario development.